
Don Bosco

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Don Bosco, Our Patron

Don Bosco (Saint John Bosco, 1815-1888) after whom the college is named, is an Italian Catholic Priest, educator and writer of the nineteenth Century, who dedicated his life to the betterment and education of the young, and employed effectively the teaching methods based on 'Reason, Religion and Loving kindness' - a method being followed with success in all Don Bosco institutions, world wide. He inspired the start of a vast movement of persons who in different ways work for the benefits of young. Today there are 28 officially recognized groups with a total of 40250 members to continue the mission he began. Don Bosco's Charism continues to inspire people of good will from all walks of life. Don Bosco's capability to attract numerous youngsters was connected to his "System of Education Based on Love". He believed the education to be a "Matter of Heart" and siad that the young must not only be loved, but know that they are loved. It creates a climate that 'draws forth' the best in the youth. Encouraging them for a complete and full expression of themselves. His educational system assist young people in acquiring habits that will lead them to opt in faour of what is good, healthy, joyful and life enhancing.

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